The 6th UK Robot Manipulation Workshop
Call for Posters
The 5th UK Manipulation workshop will bring together UK researchers working on robotic manipulation and grasping research. A key part of the workshop is a poster session to provide an opportunity to discuss recent and ongoing research activities with the community. All poster presenters will have an opportunity to introduce their work to the UK community with a brief slide presentation, and have a follow-up Q&A poster session during the coffee and lunch breaks.
We allow posters based on papers that have already been published or submitted elsewhere, or those based on preliminary experiments described in a new abstract. Therefore, you can submit either (1) a full paper, if it has previously been accepted at a major conference, or (2) an abstract (maximum 2 pages), if it is ongoing, unpublished research.
To participate, please submit (in PDF format) via this link. (Please note a Google account is required. If you don’t have a Google account and you are not happy to create one, please send the abstract to the email below indicating in the subject [abstract submission] and in the email the corresponding author’s name, email and name of the presenter if different from the corresponding author.)
All contributions will undergo a review by the committee. Selection criteria include: relevance to the workshop’s stated topic and aims, academic excellence and innovation, and diversity of perspectives and topics covered.
We are excited to announce that there will be a prize for the best poster, sponsored by Amazon, with a value of a 250 GBP Amazon voucher. The award will be presented at the final session of the workshop.
If you have questions, you are welcome to contact Alessandro Albini for any informal enquiries, at
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 8th December, 2023
Notification of Acceptance: 15th December, 2023
See you in Oxford!